Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Tainted Beauty

Today was one of those bad days. I cried because I remembered. It all started when I decided to write a poem for some one's blog, it was a topic close to both our hearts. Anyway, I wrote about us. I wrote about you. I wrote about the difficulty you had in accepting that men had passed through my bed before you.

We were in the 2nd year of our relationship and we were having one of those rare "home alone" days. Out of the blue you asked me "how many guys have you slept with?". "Why?" I asked, raising my head from your chest. "We have been together for almost two years, now you ask me, what difference does it make?"

I didn't know then, but your idiot friend Gbovo had told you that his brother and I had had a Little something going on. What is his own. The idiot just wanted to poor sand in my garri abi? Because I didn't give him time of day. Hiss hiss.

"I just want to know what I 'm getting," you said. So I told you, from my first experience till you, I didn't leave anything out. You didn't say anything, you just listened. Seun, by the time I had finished, I swear you had this look of disgust on your face. I know you tried to act unperturbed but it wasn't working. I could see it in your eyes that my beauty was tainted.

I was distraught, I called Labake and told her what happened. She chastised me. "Guys think that they want to know but they don't, you shouldn't have told him". The phrase bolting the barn after the horse had bolted sprang to mind.

Over the next few weeks, your attitude towards me changed. You were distant, cold, rude even. I took it all. I wanted to give you time. This double standard jarred me but such was the way of the world. I didn't want to know all the girls in your past. I accepted that our life together started from the moment we decided to be together. Why couldn't it have been the same way for you? You were lucky that this happened before the car incident, you wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. But never mind that

The final straw came when I called you and asked if you could pick me up from your house, I had gone to drop something up for your sister. You actually hissed and then told me you were chilling at Gbovo's house and that I always assumed that you could drop everything when I snapped my fingers. What the fuck? I took a cab to Gbovo's. I didn't know what I was going to say to you but I couldn't take it anymore. I rang you when i got there and you came down, I told the cab to wait

I didn't even say hello "Seun, I don't know what is going on in that head of yours. Where you not the one that wanted to know. eh? So what is it you want me to do now? Apologise for living my life? Well those things you feel I should be ashamed of are the things about which I am most proud. These are the things that made me who I am. Those experiences are what made me into this woman you claim to love so much. Fix up or fuck off because I am tired of this shit.

My cab was still waiting, I turned to enter the cab and I heard you laughing. I turned around and you were almost in hysterics. I paused too see if there was method to this madness. "Tinuke, you are priceless. I needed that. I guess I was wallowing in self pity for my bruised ego." Don't go", you said as you held my arm "I am not saying sorry because it was the only way that I could really have reacted but I'm over it now. You paid for the cab and we went inside.

You were over it. But once in a while, I saw that same look in your eyes. It always followed a late night call from a male friend or me bumping into a male friend when I was out with you. But you did try and rise above it. You guys and your egos.



Life through rose-tinted glasses said...

Babe I have just been through ur whole blog and i've felt different emotions all thru right now i just feel subdued. i can only imagine wat u've been thru just keep being strong and i'm def. coming back...xxx

Anonymous said...

Guys are proud, they never want to imagine wifey with any one else. But these guys are the same ones that have no qualms hopping from bed to bed. Its a double standard. Especially for a 9ja babe.
p.s. Your blog is heart wrenching.

Anonymous said...

Abi oh, some can hump their way from naij to jand but we have to be near enough virgins for them to be happy. Awon boys oshi wey no get sense - but yet "aint no mountain high enough" for naija babes to climb for them...why? Love wantintin perhaps?

Dith said...

ive been reading ur blog 4 a minit. i thnk i got on here thru fineboys blog. i gta say ur blog is really addictive. the stories....OMG!

regarding dis post....i see where ur anger rose from. i wonder y its so hard 4 a guy 2 accept dat his gurl, wife or wateva had been with other men b4 him. is it an ego thing, selfishness or wat?
i mean we ladies dont seem 2 have a problem with thier numerous sexual encounters but when it comes down 2 us, its a different ball game.

Olawunmi said...

this issue has been running through my blog for a while now. there are so many perspectives on this, but strangely, all of them have been women's. very few men have been on there to comment. i guess its true that our egos are fragile, and that we have a double standard when it comes to our expectations of ourselves, and those that we place on our women.

personally, i have learned that it doesn't matter where you were before you came to me. but i have also learned that some questions are better left not asked, some answers best unheard, so that the heart has less to beat itself up with.

that said, i also know that there are limits to what a person can endure/tolerate, and this cuts both ways. insofar as women tend to be more accepting of a guy's past, there are some shades that are too bright for most to accept. so it is for me, much as i have learned to accept the past as that; so there are reasonable limits to both what you can tolerate, and what your man will accept. its just that the thresholds are set differently.

i am glad that he learned to look past it though. its not really a reflection of who you are, just where you were at different stages of your life. why should you be forced to answer for that?

keep your head up. always.


DJ MightyMike said...

nice blog..will surely be back.
so did he break up with u just cos of that? that's lame

Anonymous said...

Always tell a man that you have only been with 2 men before him. They never want to hear more than that. This is one instace in which they prefer that you lie.

Tinuke said...

This particular topic is very close to many girls' hearts... Many guys too.

I agree that some shades are too bright but who made us the judge and by what yardstick are we judging. Is 10 sexual partners too bright a shade? is 5? is 1?

I think the bottom line is that past is past and if you love someone you just have to learn to deal with the things that you are not comfortable with. Either that or move on.

Thanx for dropping by you guys.....

laspapi said...

great blog here. The similarity to my Girl Whisperer article,

"Something about Mary" is eerie. Well done.

shhhh said...

'the phrase how many guys have u been with' is one no guy should ever ask. its a stupid question. the truth is we really dont want an answer. guys ask it to satisy their selfish egos. its a stupid question

Anonymous said...

"im a babe" i feel u!guys r just rubbish!!

Anonymous said...

wot happened 2 seun?