Sunday, 21 October 2007

The One Thing That Drives Me Hazy...

Am I or the others crazy?

Woke up Wednesday morning with a smile on my face, the sun was shining and for the first time in a long time, I hadn't snoozed my alarm clock a million times, which meant I could take my time. So I had a spring in my step, the kind that comes from an extra 10 mins in the shower.

As I get in to work, I bump into Hanatu, Hanatu is someone I have known for a very long time. We all have a Hanatu in our lives, you know that friend that tells you the truth especially when it hurts? The friend that'll flirt with your boyfriend if you let her, not because she wants him but because its in her nature. Well that's Hanatu. We ride the lift up together.

Between the ground floor and the 5th, Hanatu had railroaded me into going to an open mic night in Angel later in the evening. A night out with Hanatu always involved some sort of drama and I really could not stomach any drama, but the plan had been made. I got back to work, and awaited my fate.

We were early, the place was virtually empty. We ordered some drinks and found a spot close to the stage. Hanatu set her drink down on a four person table...

"Why are we seating here, are we four people," I asked

"You never know, some cute guys may just be here tonight." she replied.

"So we are saving the seats on the off chance that you see some guy that you think is cute?" I ask

"Precisely", she retorts.

I sigh, knowing Hanatu we will definitely have company tonight.

An hour later and the blooming thing is just starting, I am getting impatient but Hanatu looks calm, expectant. I settle in to enjoy the show. Just as the first over exaggerated reading is finished, I hear a familiar voice, a deep slow almost mocking voice. I turn around, there is Mr Brown and a friend, a male friend.

Hanatu springs into action so fast that I felt the whiplash. "Hi guys, why don't you seat here, we were saving these seast for our girlfriends but they pulled a no show and we are starting to feel guilty for occupying a big table."

They sat down, Mr Brown next to me and his friend next to Hanatu. My mind was working overtime, this was too convenient. The invitation from H, the "saved seats", My Brown's perfect timing.... I kept quiet. Mr Brown's friend, I think his name was Mohamed, kept trying to engage me in conversation but I made it impossible by giving him one word answers

"So, what is your name again?"


"Interesting name, Is it Nigerian?"


"Erm, Erm, so you like this sort of thing then...."


Poor guy but in my mind, they were all pat of the conspiracy. I looked at Hanatu pretending like she didn't know Brown and I wanted to just leave. Instead I excused my self and went to the bathroom. When I got back, Hanatu was whispering in Brown's ear and then they both laughed. Am I being paranoid or is this not the most obvious setup? I sat back down and smiled my way through what had turned into a long night.

The next morning, I went up to Hnaatu's floor to give her a piece of my mind but she beat me to it.

"Tinu, I am glad we went there last night. Wasn't Mr Brown just the most gorgeous thing you ever saw. We exchanged numbers and I spent half of last night on the phone with him. He is takling me out tomorrow night, I can't wait. "

I felt my anger bubble deflate into confusion, what was going on? so they didn't already know each other? "And Mr Brown wasn't there because of me" Wow, paranoia just creeps up on you.... So how come I was still angry? I smiled at Hanatu and told her I had a meeting. I lied.


confused child said...

oooooooohhh dats some shocker. damn girl Mr Brown is obviously tryin 2 make u jealous but inviting ur friend out is not a good idea if he.s tryna get @ u. U knw wut?, just tel him 2 fuck off.

confused child said...

oh and yaaaaaaaaaaay i'm 1st.....and 2nd.

Thirty + said...

And I am 3rd

I am with confused, that egbecious guy is just trying to make you jealous.

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

bumped here accidentally.nice blog. wats Mr Brown tryin to do? men i know it wont be easy to hold bac the jealousy and anger. bt try so he does not sense it. kip tha faith.

Orientatednaijababe said...

The guy is good, but u have to beat him at his game....The whole jealousy thing, i thot it had gone out of fashion. Ur friend might be part of the game, so still be careful.... stay strong

Anonymous said...



[I really should try to stop being so lazy and sign in!]

Anonymous said...

haha. conspiracy theory. I have moments like that too.

it does seem as though he was trying to make you jealous though...


Agbaya ni Mr Brown jo, hes just trying to mske u jealous, im not so sure about this ur friend o!!!! just do like u cant see them jare.

Anonymous said...

Babe m so happy u ve decided to move on wit ur life,as long as God is on d throne u'll suceed.agbaya ni Mr Brown dont let him disturb u at all.theres smone out there just waiting for u tho u'll need to b handled wit a lil bit of takia of u

Anonymous said... Mister B pulled a fast one on u...hmmm and I sense u feel like a bit jealous ..mb...well any guy who would do that for attention is just not it joh!! ..keep us posted! xx

Anonymous said...

oh my!!! this is sweet gist...hehe im soooo happy!!!

Anonymous said...

Just keep cool and watch.

cally-waffybabe said...

*hiss* abeg ignore him jare. i'm glad you're beginning to pep up after everything, so please ignore this silly incident.
Also, in case you've been trying to access my blog, just to inform you that i've shut it down until further notice.


Ms. Catwalq said...

30+: u r crazy...which one is "egbecious" again?

this ur blog is too sweet jare o Tinu

Anonymous said...

CWB wetin happen now? I have to chase you around blogville to find u here... open ur blog soon o..

Tinu no send them jare.. awon dodoyo meji

Tinuke said...

Confused Child: I no fit oh, Being rude to this guy can cost me bigtime.

30+,AnonGal,Orientated: I don't know for the guy oh, But what if he genuinely likes my friends, thats how my ego will now get in the way of ... well whatever they are doing.

Ide: I think its catching, Bimbylads has the same ailment. (smile)

Belle: Its nice to know I am not the only one, Thats what I think but imagine me trying to tell my tightly wound friend that I believed that Brown was using her to get to me. No be me and you.

36: Serious agbaya, I am almost certain my friend isnt a willing participant, she isnt that good an actress.

Anon 1: Amen oh!

Anon 2: I sense my jealousy too, I think I have dog in a manger syndrome.

Fi: Lol

CWB: I agree with Bimbylads, Why now?

Bimbylads:I no send them oh!!

Tinuke said...

Catwalq: I think I was a writer in another life, In this one I am a slave to capiatlism. lol

darkelcee said...

Mr Brown is forming for you and you have to form another level you know

So assume the "big chic" position and ignore all concerned

He is an Alika!

N.I.M.M.O said...

You can never understand women.

In one breath, you dont like the guy enough to go out with him even when he made his intentions very obvious.

In the very next breath you want to be jealous because the guy 'appears to' want to start stuff with your friend.

Of course, I'm a man.


Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

i could have placed a bet on u being set up. but erm..... well i dont knw ohh. wait oh, if it's a way of getting to u. why go through ur friend.

actually i still think its a plan, so u dont see what they really did. anyway, we'll all wait and see wot the turn out is.

Anonymous said...
